Tag Archives: airport

Your airport as front line ministry

One of the “near frontiers” in your area is the international airport. Every day, people from foreign lands enter the U.S. on what is likely the greatest adventure of their lives.

Many come as students to get their university degree. They are excited and hopeful.

Others come as immigrants to begin a new life, or to join family members already here.

Still others are refugees who have been forced to flee the country they love. This may be their first time in an airplane ever.

One very practical ministry is to provide transportation from the airport to that first apartment. This can lead to finding used furniture or learning local bus routes.

One of our workers regularly makes airport pick ups, and has made many friends doing so. Recently he brought an international friend to the airport to pick up his wife and 7 month old daughter. What a happy reunion!

Write us if you would like to learn more about this practical ministry.  doorbell@nearfrontiers.org

Tweet This  One of the “near frontiers” in your area is the international airport.


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