Iraqi hospitality for American guests

Here is a brief report from an American living in one of our great U.S. cities. I love to give these simple examples of how friendship-bridges can be built as we are willing to open our homes and enjoy food and conversation together. Enjoy!

“We met Galen, Rahib and their girls last week. I had been given their names by a friend who said they would love to have some friends, so we went over unannounced.  They graciously invited us in and we had a lovely time with them. I was able to remember a few words of Arabic and used these words with them. Rahib, the wife must have felt I knew more than I could speak, so she kindly shared how to make the tasty dessert she had served us. Her astute five year old picked up on my lack of understanding and explained to her mother that Mrs. Karren does not understand Arabic, but Rahib insisted that I did.dinner w iraqi friends“This week we invited them to our home and I cooked chicken, rice, and vegetables. Rahib brought over a special bread roll she had made as well as two types of desserts. Before we ate we chatted in the living room. Rahib saw the Arabic New Testament placed prominently on our side table. “Is this the Injil (New Testament)?” she asked. I assured her it was and we looked at it for a few minutes.  We shared the meal together as well as shared stories of our lives. It was a delightful evening.

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