All posts by NearFrontierPerson

My day with a Cambodian pastor

May I take you to another near frontier? I have a Cambodian pastor friend, call him Dara, with whom I had arranged to have a bowl of pho and then visit the nearby detention center together. As is typical, the day did not turn out typically.

As we waited for the steaming hot bowl of delicious soup, Dara explained that he was a little late because he was coming from a counseling session in a Cambodian home nearby; the husband and wife have decided to get a divorce. Being Buddhists (as are most Cambodians I believe) the couple would logically call for one of their priests for help; but they don’t want to spend the $500 or so to have a priest come to their house; so they call a Christian pastor, a much cheaper (free) deal!

So off to the detention center we go, making a stop at a seniors residential center in town where Dara needs to provide a copy of his drivers license; he just got hired part time to drive their 15 passenger van for doctor’s appointments.  Yes, many ethnic pastors are bi-vocational, doing their ministry as they can between work commitments. Which leads to the other surprise of the day… but not just yet.

We arrive at the detention center. Dara tells me there are six young men and one woman who are Cambodian detainees inside. We are there to see two of the men. But alas, we are informed that today there are no visitors allowed in. We can come back on even days to see one of the guys, and odd days to see the other; has to do with their classification. So we left and I snapped this picture outside the wall.

pastor in front of detention center
My pastor friend in front of the detention center, where 2,000 detainees are, well, detained.

So I am disappointed but aware that these things happen. But here is the twist in the plan.  I’m ready to head home when Dara says he just got a call from the Regional Justice Center asking if he can be there in 90 minutes to translate for a Cambodian man who is being arraigned. “Do you want to tag along and see what I do?” he asks.  I say, sure. Adventure on the frontier right? Off we go in his car, arrive in the courtroom on time, and sit for 45 minutes; well, I do; Dara is out in the hallway with the lawyer and the Cambodian man sorting things out. I watch and listen to four people being arraigned on DUI charges. One is a young Chinese lady, also following along with help of a translator. (The lady seems disconnected from proceedings, even as she nods her head to indicate she understands and has no question about her rights; I find myself wondering if she refused the breathalyzer because it was foreign and scary to her.)


The case Dara is translating comes and goes in a few minutes. A follow up date is scheduled. I meet the DUI guy in the hallway, and give him a smile and handshake. On the drive back to my car, Dara and I talk about the role of government in punishing evildoers and protecting those who live within the law, a la Romans 13. He expresses appreciation for the U.S. justice system, citing youth back home who are first encouraged to express their dissatisfaction, then rounded up and thrown in the cell for doing so. We muse that this part time translating gig not only helps pay his bills, but helps the justice system work better for those who are charged with violating the law in this strange new country of theirs. And in that sense, his is a very good work to do.

There are amazing brothers and sisters like Dara nearby you. Consider asking if you can spend a few hours, just tagging along. You will see things in a whole new light.

Help me share this story –> Tweet ThisHere’s what happened when I spent some hours with a bi-vocational ethnic pastor.

in front of courthouse
A quick pic in front of the courthouse


Learn about the Tacoma Detention Center here.

World Relief, and excellent organization that helps resettle refugees, has an ongoing ministry in the detention center. Many volunteers are participating. See here to see how it works.

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5 Daily Disciplines for the Devotee of Jesus, Nepali version

I unashamedly swiped this post from the Trinity International blog found here. I believe learning from others in this way reminds us that God is at work around the world, that the Spirit is giving wisdom, that God speaks every language, and that we all need a learners heart.

पञ्चमहयजन(Maha Yagna): Five Daily Disciplines for the Devotee of Jesus

By mikaku

What follows is the Nepali version of the “Five Daily Disciplines for Devotees of Jesus”(पाचवटा प्रतिदिन् अनुशासन). For the one who has given their life to the Lord Sri Jesus, these yagnas are acts that can be done daily as an expression of devotion (bhakti) and faith (biswas).  I will include below the Nepali and English translation.

[Five Great Sacrifices / Disciplines]

१. इश्वर यजन [Discipline of God-worship] 

तपाईंको प्रेम जीवनभन्दा श्रेष्ट छ, यसकारण मेरा ओठले तपाईंको महिमा गर्नेछन. (भजन ६३:३) [Your love is better than life, so my lips with glorify you. (Bhajan 63:3)]

२. शास्त्र यजन [Discipline of Scripture Study]

तपाईंका वचन मेरा गोड़ाका निम्ति बत्ती, र मेरो बाटोको निम्ति उज्यालो हो. (भजन ११९:१०५) [Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path (Bhajan 119:105)]

३. पितृ यजन

[Discipline of Honoring Parents and Elders]

आफ्ना बाबु र आमालाई आदर गर, कि जुन देश तिमीहरुलाई परमप्रभु आफ्ना परमेश्वरले दिनुहुन्छ, त्यहाँ तिमीहरुको आयु लामो होस्. (प्रस्थान २०:१२) [Honor your father and mother, so that you will live long in the country that the Lord your God gives you. (Prasthaan 20:12)]

४. मानुष्य यजन [Discipline of Service to other People]

समस्त व्यवस्था एउटी वचनमा पूरा भएको छ, “तैंले आफ्नो छिमेकीलाई आफूलाई झैँ प्रेम गर्.” (गलाती ५:१४) [In one word the entire law is completed, “Love your neighbor just as yourself.” (Galaatee 5:14)]

५. सृष्टि यजन [Discipline of Creation Care & Stewardship]

आफ्नो निम्ति पृथ्वीमा धन-सम्पत्ति नथुपर, जहाँ कीरा र खियाले ती नष्ट पार्छन् र जहाँ चोरहरुले गर फोरेर ती चोर्छन्. तर आफ्नो निम्ति स्वर्गमा धन-सम्पत्ति थुपार, जहाँ कीराले वा खियाले नष्ट पार्दैन, र चोरले पनि चोर्दैन. किनकि जहाँ तिम्रो धन हुन्छ, त्यहीँ तिम्रो मन पनि हुन्छ. (मत्ती ६:१९-२१) [Don’t keep treasures for yourself on earth where insects and rust can destroy and where thieves can break into your house and steal.  But keep for yourselves treasure in heaven where insects and rust cannot destroy and where thieves do not steal.  For where you treasure is, there your heart will also be. (Mattee 6:19-21)]

Tweet This What would you say are 5 daily disciplines for the Jesus follower? Look what the Nepali version says.
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What to make of those “racial segregation” maps?

I expect you have seen the maps which depict the placement of ethnic/cultural groups in major U.S. cities. What are we to make of these maps?

Here is the map of “New York” city, perhaps the most “segregated”, with caption from the article.

This map, created by Dustin Cable at University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, is the most comprehensive representation of racial distribution in America ever made. Here: New York City. Image: Dustin Cable White: blue dots; African American: green dots; Asian: red; Latino: orange; all others: brown

The most interesting one to me is DETROIT:

Here are some generalizations I think are true for the most part.

  1. People move to (or stay) where their friends are; where their surroundings are familiar; where they can afford a domicile.
  2. People move to better neighborhoods when they can afford to; they move to less desirable neighborhoods when necessary.
  3. City planning sometimes forcefully evicts people from the place they have been and wanted to stay, and fails to provide compensation or viable alternatives.
  4. Individual opportunity for improvement often/normally takes precedence over staying located within the community, even among those whose culture is communalistic.
  5. Prejudice is a factor in preserving economic disparity in many cases.
  6. Tweet This  Stereotypes persist, in part, because we do not personally know people of other ethnicities/cultures.
  7. People vote selfishly, not communally.
  8. Politicians legislate selfishly, not communally.
  9. We would be enriched by closer proximity and more frequent interaction with those whose ethnicity/culture differs from our own.
  10. Having integrated cities and neighborhoods is no guarantee of more interaction.
    Tweet This Unless people are intentional, interaction does not happen even in an integrated neighborhood.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I now conclude with this conviction:

We who, in spite of our wretched unworthiness, have been reconciled to God by our gracious Redeemer, who has broken down dividing walls and created one body through the cross, have both the indwelling power and the compelling obligation to live differently than the self-advancing pursuits of others. Our greater challenge is not to change the maps, but to change our hearts.

Tweet This  Our greater challenge is not to change the segregation maps, but to change our Christ-redeemed hearts.


Links to the Wired article on these maps, and the interactive Racial Dot Map. (accessed 8/31/2015)


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Value 2: Multiplication

Tweet This  We embrace Jesus’ method of passing truth onto succeeding generations.

Bob’s comments: It should be a no-brainer to be committed to empowering the next generation. But it is amazing how much ministry is done for those in control now.

Some leaders hold on to their positions beyond the time when there are younger ones capable and willing to lead.

We want our mentality and methodology to favor the development of younger believers and leaders.

The church throughout history has grown through multiplication. We value the multiplication of disciple-making churches and ministries.

Tweet This  We believe every disciple should prayerfully work to make other disciples, who in turn make other disciples.

We delight to see when God breathes on such obedience and creates movements of multiplying disciples and churches!

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How would Jesus treat a foreigner?

These are some notes from one of our Bible study times at our recent team retreat. Please excuse parts that are rough; notes were taken as ideas were shared.

How would Jesus treat a foreigner? This is a text which offers a definitive answer. (Gospel of John chapter 4)

Who was this woman?

– half-breed Jew (a people whose origin dates back to the Assyrian captivity)
– her life experience includes a long list of broken relationships with men
– she’s the opposite of Nicodemus (ch 3)
– a 2nd class citizen (classic „underserved“ person)
– Samaritans were hated by the Jews

Jesus „had to pass through Samaria.“ (v.4) He chose intentionally to meet with her on foreign soil, i.e., a foreign context for Him, but a familiar neighborhood/context for the Samaritan(s). Baffling that He was preaching to Israel at this time, giving them a chance to receive Him, yet He meets with this single individual.
God is concerned with the individual; thus, Jesus purpose was to meet/interact/confront this lowly individual (a seeker?)
Noon-day meeting = personal sacrifice. It was hot!
The woman came to the well alone, which says something about her low social status.
Jesus begins with a request/need. Tweet This Jesus initiated contact with foreign woman by asking for her help.
He confronts the Samaritan woman’s belief system, which causes her to question.
There is shock value in his statement in verse 8: „Will you give me a drink?“ The woman responds, „You want to put your Jewish lips to my Samaritan cup? (You know as well as I that that just is not done!)“
Jesus is well aware that this woman is dying of thirst – spiritually.

Tweet This First Jesus asks her for water, and then he offers her living water. In so doing, he impresses upon her how parched her soul is and how great her spiritual thirst is.

Jesus is Jesus – He operates on a higher plane. His behavior (vv.9-14) personifies:
– True humility
– Genuine compassion/empathy
– Self-sacrificing love that is willing to get involved
„Fountain of water“ (v. 14) Jesus took her from her felt need to her deeper inner needs. He enters into her story; Tweet This  Jesus gives more than just a gospel presentation of truth(s). Jesus enters into life narrative of this ostracized woman.
Jesus proceeds beyond her physical needs with His probing questions. God prompts us to go beyond just meeting physical needs. The Holy Spirit gives wisdom as to what questions to ask, to probe matters of the heart.

The Samaritan woman lived in a world in which categories such as class, race and gender were pivotal. Jesus broke through these artificial walls of segregation. Where Jesus interacts with individuals in the gospels, it is the person, not his status, which becomes His focus.

[Jesus flips the switch and the dialogue moves to truth-telling and true worship issues.]
And yet, he did draw lines (vv.20-24); there were limits in His level of tolerance, (even for Jesus). He never says, „It does not matter what you believe.“ Instead, He clearly states, that it is not ok simply to be tolerant of others and their belief system.

Tweet This  Jesus clearly states in this passage, that it does make a difference to which God you pray.

Worship God? It is not a matter of where, but how! When the Samaritan woman wants to claim that she and her people are the ones who are doing it right, Jesus objects. He makes it clear that there is a right and a wrong way to worship.

The truth we proclaim is often not understood; we need the Holy Spirit to „translate“, move the hearts of others, lift the veil
John 6,44: God the Father must draw others to Himself; He creates thirst and our role is to point them to Jesus
There is a gradual approach evident here: presence, interest, felt need, concern, deeper needTweet This When she is ready to hear it, Jesus proclaims „I am He“ (the Messiah). She acknowledges that He is indeed the long-awaited Messiah.

This passage/narrative/experience gives Jesus street credibility to send His followers out to make disciples of all nations.
„The fields are white/ripe for harvest“ (v.35) Jesus tells His disciples to look out to the horizon where they see a crowd moving towards them en mass. It is very possible that what they see is a crowd of white robed Samaritans headed their way. He is telling His disciples, „That is your mission field and it is a field ripe for plucking.“ Tweet This  Jesus sends His disciples to a people group with whom they have little in common, and with whom they have been at odds for generations.
This is a foretaste of that which will be revealed to them in the years ahead, ushering in the „church age.“ “His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile them both to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.“ (Eph. 2,16).


Many believe (v.41), and it all started with a questionable witness who said, „Come meet a man who told me everything I ever did“ (v.39) The Samaritan villagers acknowledge that Jesus is their Savior (a spiritual, not a military Messiah), and the Savior of the whole world.

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Team retreat is here!

Twice a year our team members gather somewhere in the USA for a retreat. This is not a vacation, but structured time to regroup. Retreats are among our “practices” which help us develop a culture which includes “transformative living”. I wrote about this here.

This week we will be meeting on the coast of Washington State, giving attention to:

  • sharing recent developments in our families and ministries
  • reviewing our “Sandbox” which describes our direction in ministry
  • sharing with each other our plans for the next year, and praying for them
  • taking personal time to walk, reflect, rest, think, pray
  • celebrate with a nice dinner, and watch a movie together
  • learn a ministry skill or two
  • worship and share together in God’s Word
  • check our systems of support, encouragement, and accountability

It will be good to hear what God has been doing!!


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Preferred Culture 1: Transformative Living

We as team members, as well as board members, took several months in 2014 to state the way in which we felt God was reshaping our ministry. One aspect of that shape is our Preferred Culture, which we define as the “characteristics of mutual interaction which all members agree to work toward.”

The first of our four characteristics is “Transformative Living.”  For each of our characteristics, we describe what this looks like for us, and then determine some basic practices which help us live it out:

Being united around Jesus as a spiritual community should bring about positive change in our own lives. Ministry should be life-giving rather than depleting. As we serve together, we should become more like Christ and loving to each other. We are grace-based and extend kindness. In addition to using our best thinking, we pursue discernment from God in ministry decisions. (Colossians 1:9-14)

Tweet ThisIn addition to using our best thinking, we pursue discernment from God in ministry decisions.


a. We endeavor to balance being, doing, and resting. We seek to live within our limits.

b. We practice life-giving rhythms of silence, solitude, Sabbath, monthly personal retreats, bi-annual team retreats, and celebration.

c. We include life sharing and times in God’s Word as regular aspects of our gatherings.

Just a comment on this…. Some of these elements are in process. We have not arrived. Some are in place because we have failed miserably in the past. Yet we believe it healthy to state what kind of people we hope to become, by God’s grace.

A book that has shaped our thinking in this regard is Pursuing God’s Will Together, by Ruth Haley Barton (IVP).

Tweet This Ministry should be life-giving rather than depleting

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Why some respond and some reject

Jesus shared a spiritual principle that helps us understand various responses as we try to demonstrate God’s love to people today. The disciples asked Him why He spoke to the multitudes using parables, some of which, even for the disciples, were difficult to interpret. His answer was,

“Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be given and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him” (Matthew 13:11-12)

campoutThose who show curiosity and interest in God’s truth are not only given some understanding but are granted more truth to believe, and so on. In other words, responders receive increasing access to God’s truth and life.

But the opposite is true as well. Those who do not show interest in what they see or hear get what they ask for: less revelation and understanding. They progressively disqualify themselves from the right to hear more. The truth may surround them in the form of witnessing believers, gospel television, Bibles and Christian literature, or dreams and visions — but “seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand”(Mt. 13:13).

I am frequently saddened and even frustrated by the teaching of Jesus and the Bible that those who do not believe will go to hell. I honestly do not know how we as believers can cope with such a reality. Living with this horrible truth is yet another way we admit that God is God and we are not.

Still, this spiritual principle gives some understanding. Even in a remote village away from any missionary or satellite reception, a person can respond to initial insight about the one true God, and God will give more, leading even to an “abundance” of truth. That person can ask the God who made the stars to help him and show him how to live. Not only that, a glimmer of the light of truth can be seen by a seeker who lives in isolation in a strict religious family anywhere in the world.

God, You alone conduct your affairs. You are able to bring light to any dark place. Be merciful even as you are just. Open dull eyes, awaken deaf ears. Grant understanding to hearts, and cause many to turn so that you may heal.

Tweet This The principle of increasing and decreasing access helps explain differing responses to the gospel today.

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Nations in your neighborhood?

Father and daughter put a US flag on their house
Father and daughter put a US flag on their house

We know that society is becoming increasingly multi-cultural. But this isn’t just theoretical. Is it happening there where you live?

Here is a two-part challenge for you. Make an inventory of the eight neighbors nearest your residence (whether a house or apartment). List what nationalities are included in those households (some may have more than one, where the husband and wife are from different nationalities).

Secondly, how many first names do you know from those eight households?

Make a list or diagram of those households, and pray for them. Start getting to know them better. Think of ways to show Christ’s love to them.

Tweet ThisMake an inventory of the eight neighbors nearest your residence.

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