God tracks sparrows and galaxies.
There is no way He is going to lose track of you!
One indicator of a healthy church is whether or not cross-cultural missionaries are being raised up from within the congregation (whether to serve locally or overseas). Here is a newsletter of one young couple I know. They tell of their preparation process in their plan to move to Africa. Get a flavor of their experience!……
“Recently we have enjoyed African friendships near our hometown. Anne* from our church was born and raised in Kenya and immigrated to the states over 25 years ago. She invited us over to her home to meet some of her family and friends. While there Stephanie had the opportunity to learn how to make stew and ugali which is a popular Kenyan dish. When adding spices to the stew she asked Anne which measurements to use. She said, “Oh, Stephanie, just put it in the pot.” They both started laughing as they realized how much Stephanie had to learn.
“Around the dinner table we were able to hear stories about growing up in Kenya. Our friends also shared about some of the adjustments that they had to make while first living in America. For instance, it took some time getting used to purchasing packaged chicken in the store since they were used to slaughtering it themselves at home. Packaged chicken even had a different flavor to what they were accustomed.
” We also asked for advice in how to relate well with Africans. They shared that Americans are much more time-oriented, and Africans tend to be more relational. We felt humbled later on when individuals intently thanked us for going to Africa as missionaries. It was so encouraging when one friend sincerely said, “You are going to do fine. You are going to make it.” We ended our evening standing in a circle. Jeff and I were told that we are a part of their family even though we have different skin colors. We held hands and fervently prayed together as a unified body in Jesus Christ.
“Our African friends are an inspiration to us. They have moved far away from home and have adapted to a different culture. As Josh and I have started going through our belongings, our move to Africa is becoming more of a reality. It is our prayer that we will be effective learners and transition well to a new way of life in Africa.
*names changed throughout
A friend of our ministry had her first experience welcoming a refugee family at the airport. It’s cool to feel her excitement! Another #NearFrontiersTREK. Read on!
“Yesterday I had one of the most meaningful and moving evenings ever. Some friends and I are part of a “Welcome Team” at our church that has begun to welcome people who have lost everything and are coming to LA to start their lives over. “Our” first family arrived last night. They are Kurdish refugees from northern Syria. We had to wait about three hours after the plane landed as they went through customs. Some of our group members had made a sign with their names on it in English and Arabic. When the family came up the ramp from the customs area, bewildered and exhausted, they saw the sign. They were confused and stunned. We had brought some flowers for the mom and little toiletry bags for all of them, and gifts for the kids (five of them, ages 15 to 5).
“It was incredible. They were so thankful to be greeted warmly. Some in our group speak Arabic, and the mother kept telling them, “I was so afraid, I was so afraid of what we would find when the plane landed.”
“They do not have an easy life ahead of them. They are receiving limited assistance from a non-profit organization for 90 days. They will receive government assistance for a limited time as well. Our goal is to help them attain independence as quickly as possible – help them find jobs, enroll their kids in school, figure out public transportation, get library cards, things like that. We also hope to become friends by sharing meals, going to parks together, and exploring their new home in Los Angeles with them.
“It is so hard to describe the beautiful connections and the hope that were created right there in the airport. I cannot imagine the losses they have experienced, nor the overwhelming task of starting over in a completely foreign country. They were in a refugee camp for three years, I think, as they went through the screening process to enter the US. One of the teen boys had shaved a star into his hair — for the USA, like the American flag, he explained.
“I understand that not all of my friends think that the US should welcome refugees. I also understand that there are many Americans who need help too. But I am so grateful that I got to be part of such a profound act of love and grace. Tweet This We got to live out the words on the Statue of Liberty, and it was amazing.
There may be organizations in your area who assist with refugee resettlement. Check out: www.WorldRelief.org, www.rescue.org, www.usccb.org,
We must learn to respect and build trusting relationships between Muslims and Christians. This is the instruction of both the Qur’an and the Bible. I am always encouraged to find Christians (of which I am one) doing their part. Some observations on my recent #NearFrontiersTREK give these examples…
I talked with a Christian woman who desires to help Afghani women who have come to her area as refugees. Their husbands were helpful interpreters for the U.S. military. These wives have very little understanding of the English language, so my friend has started to host weekly “Mother and Toddler Teas.” At these gatherings which are held in the community center of an apartment complex where many of the refugees live, tea is served and a lot of chatter goes on about common issues of raising young children. A couple young moms from the local church also come and talk about parenting young ones.
The hostess tells a Bible story to the group, keeping the English simple so it can be understood by both mothers and toddlers. This way everyone improves their English and also learn about the Bible (Muslims have a high regard for holy writings and respect the Bible).
In my recent travels I also heard about a Christian man who wanted to make friends with a man who had recently come as a refugee. They were neighbors, but the Christian was not sure what the man would like to do. One day he invited his new neighbor to join the church softball game on a Monday night. The new neighbor, a Muslim, was excited to come, and brought his son along. The refugee had played some cricket before, so when it came his turn at the plate he held the bat as in a cricket match, and when he got a hit he carried the bat with him to first base. All had a great time, son included, and they couldn’t wait to go to the game the next week!
A third example of friendship between Muslims and Christians is the young family I know who love the Somali people. They discovered a way to bring camel milk into the stores where Somalis shop. This has met a need for the Somalis, for camel milk is a regular part of their diet. Meanwhile, the Christian husband is building relationships of trust with various store owners, spreading goodwill.
I love it when I see the peaceable nature of Jesus expressed through his followers today.
On my recent #NearFrontiersTREK, I heard the testimony of Kunming, a Chinese international student. He came to study in one of the sciences, at a leading university in the USA. He was an atheist, having reached the conclusion that religion was a myth. His wife heard about an English language gathering offered by a Christian group. Since they only had one car, Kunming would take his wife to the group and listen in.
During this time, Kunming was thinking over some of the things he was hearing about Christ. It began to trouble him that as a science student he had never given the claims of Christ an objective examination. He had only accepted what he had heard back in China. He thought, how unscientific of me! I would never tolerate such assumptions in my field of expertise. Now I must objectively examine the teachings of Christianity and prove that it is not needed.
Kunming began to see that faith is a part of every day living. For example, when a person sits on a chair, he shows faith that it will hold his weight. Over time, he began to accept that faith should not be rejected categorically.
About that time his wife said that she did not need to continue with the English classes. But Kunming replied that he was interested to learn not only more English but also more about the way of Christ. She was very surprised!
Over time, they both put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Now Kunming is the pastor of a Chinese church here in America.
God is at work! Let’s not grow weary in sharing our faith, and praying for God to draw others into His family.
If you are on a journey to discover faith, write me with any questions, or for prayer.
Recently I visited Clarkston, a suburb of Atlanta GA, where many refugee people have begun to call home (away from home). Many will stay a couple of years and then relocate to another American city where they can find jobs or more of their own cultural community. Several Christian ministries have a presence in Clarkston. One is the “Friends of Refugees” which seeks to help refugees get on their feet culturally and economically.
Friends of Refugees have purchased a plot within Clarkston on which they hope to construct a meeting and training center for refugees. It is currently a community garden in which families can have their own plot of ground to plant vegetables.
As you can see, the refugee family must take ownership of their plot, even to the extent of finding their own fencing. Imagine if you were from an agrarian background how meaningful it could be to get your hands into soil again!
Brian Bollinger (left) leads Friends of Refugees. Matt Seadore (North Ave Presbyterian Church) was my guide to Clarkston ministries. Thanks guys for showing me yet another #NearFrontiersTREK.
I was in Atlanta recently on another #NearFrontiersTREK and was encouraged by the creativity of this “coffee truck.” Called “Refuge,” it intentionally trains and employs refugees to the Clarkston area. The second picture is an inside sitting area which used to be a car sales building. Isn’t it great to see the various ways God is birthing ministries?!